Personnel Responsibilities in Sacramento County

Article XVI of the Sacramento County Charter divides responsibility for various aspects of the personnel system between the Civil Service Commission and the Human Resources Agency (retitled in 2007 as Department of Personnel Services).

Commission Responsibilities

  • The Commission establishes policy and rules governing the selection of employees for, and the classification of, civil service positions;
  • Conducts investigations and makes final decisions on appeals from examination and selection procedures and appeals relating to the classification plan; and
  • Hears and finally resolves appeals from disciplinary actions. Disciplinary action appeal procedures agreed to between the County and recognized employee organizations substitute for an appeal to the Commission.

Human Resources Agency (Department of Personnel Services)

  • The Human Resources Agency (Department of Personnel Services) administers the personnel system and is responsible for implementing Commission rules regarding selection and classification.
  • The Human Resources Agency (Department of Personnel Services) is also responsible for employee benefits, special employment and affirmative action, handicap compliance, employee insurance, workers compensation, risk management, and personnel actions.